Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.

~ Margaret Atwood


Water has always had a huge attraction for me. I find pure water so beautiful and so fascinating. It is everywhere, but you can never grasp it – just like life itself. And how I love to immerse myself completely in it! Give me a sea, a lake, a bathhouse or a sauna and I am completely in my element. And swimming in open water in winter has only fueled my love for water even more.

When I swim, I experience a serenity and non-judgement, floating between the immense universe and the equally unfathomable depths of the seas and oceans. On the border of water and air, on the surface of the water, an encounter then occurs – an encounter between the conscious and unconscious, between below and above, inside and outside, between finite and infinite. And exactly at that intersection of those encounters is then the moment, the now, like a spark or life energy, in which everything is contained.

How hard it can be to lose that contact with it all in the delusion of life. But it is always there anyway, and never far away. On the contrary.

Water is effortless, transformative and intangible and carries the power of all life. Without pure flowing water, we are really nowhere at all, and this realisation is thankfully becoming more and more apparent to us in these times. It’s the water that connects us all. Water is everything, and everything is one.


Let’s talk and see what suits your wishes and interior! Almost anything is possible.

You can send me an email to ask for more information: aloha@jeskedijkstra.com.

You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

To see more of my other photography (portraits, interior, …) and graphic design, please have a look at my website jeskedijkstra.com!


(2023) solo exhibition in LUDO kafé, Ghent (B)

(2022) on display at GANDA art & lifestyle, Ghent (B)

(2022) solo exhibition, KunstWerkKunst galery, Ghent (B)

(2022) NARAFI graduation show, Tour & Taxis, Brussels (B)